Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

14 July 2012


I wish I was an anonymous.
Being transparent.

So that
nobody will get to know me,
nobody will get hurt because of me,
nobody will expect me for something.

I wish I have a guide book,
just to show me
what is the next step,
what should I do,
what is the best thing
I have to do
for every little thing. 

13 June 2012


The past is behind,
learn from it.
The future is ahead,
prepare for it.
The present is here,
live it.

Sometimes, I wish things had turn out differently.. :)

24 April 2012

Bila Waktu Telah Berakhir

how do you feel proud of the world
which is temporary
what if all is lost and gone leaving you

what if the time stopped
and you do not realize
is there a way for you to return to repeat the past
the world is filled with ornaments
anything and everything imaginable will return to Him

when the time has called the true friend is only charity
when the time has stopped True friend left is only silence

14 January 2012



you just can't tell anybody how you really feel.
not because you don't know why,
not because you don't know your purpose,
not because you don't trust them.

But because you can't find
the right words to make them

13 January 2012

i never expect any of this

At this age, everything is changing.

Day by day we don't notice, but just look back over the past year
and you will realize everything has.

People you thought were going to be there forever aren't,
and people you never imagined you'd speaking to are now some of your closest friends.

Life makes little sense, and the more we grow the less it will make.

So make the most of it now, before it all changes once again,
because in the near future, all of this is only going to be memories.

01 December 2011

change for a better life

Our dilemma is that 
we hate change & love it
at the same time.

The truth, 
what we really want is for
things to remain the same
but get better. 

24 October 2011

talk talk talk

so let's talk. 
i  can be a good listener
if u want to tell me ur story

19 October 2011

~ change

Change is a funny thing.

We're never quite sure
of what we're becoming or why.

Then one day,
we look at ourselves
and wonder who we are
and how we got there.

- smile -

25 September 2011

kesian ada limit kata orang

kawan aku pernah cakap
"tolong orang berpada-pada. nanti kita yang padah"
"kesian orang ada limit. diri sendiri pun nak kena kesian jugak"

aku jenis manusia yang kalau boleh tolong orang
aku akan tolong selagi aku mampu
tapi kadang2 manusia tak faham
aku pun manusia biasa yang ada perasaan jugak
ada tanggungjawab dan beban yang dipikul
dah selalu tolong
manusia mudah naik lemak
itu je yang aku boleh cakap

benda jadi tak ikhlas dalam menolong kalau dah jadi macam ni.
dan aku tak suka tolong orang dalam keadaan aku tak ikhlas.
maaf rakan-rakan.
aku harap kalian faham.
aku juga manusia biasa yang punya beban dan tanggungjawab 
lebih-lebih pada masa sekarang.
maaf kalau aku terkasar bahasa pada kalian. 

11 September 2011

think positive

it may not teach us how to breathe oxygen
and how to exhale carbon dioxide.
or to love a friend and forgive an enemy.
it may not even helps us to find our way to find our true love.

but it gives us every reason to hope that
every problem has a solution.

28 August 2011

delicious ambiguity

some stories don't have
a clear beginning, middle and end.

life is about
not knowing,
having to change,
taking the moment,
and making the best of it.

without knowing what's going to happen next.

it's called
delicious ambiguity.

19 August 2011


we live the life of unfinished novel.
still waiting to be written.
depending on how long we live.
the longer the chapters
is depending on how interesting we are,
the more we appeal to others.
we're often judged by our covers.

some people decide to just quit reading us.
we're just forgotten until someone finds us.
our characters can develop throughout the novel,
but our chapters can never be edited. 

that's how metaphor our life can be. 

17 August 2011

yes. everyone.

We all have ability.

The difference is how we use it.

. Have a good day .

16 August 2011


There's a point in life
when u get tired
of chasing everyone
and trying to fix everything.

But it's not giving up.

It's realizing that 
u don't need certain people
and their crap.


12 August 2011


semester akhir,
yang macam-macam.

. sedihsenyum . hambarketawa .

ragam semuanya.

06 August 2011

bicara tentang tiang..

Islam. sekarang hanya atas nama. melakukan perintah-NYa atas hanya kerna bulan dalam Islam. berbuat demikian hanya sebab diajar daripada kecil. apa guna kalau amalan semua berlaku tapi tiangnya tiada. pucuk pangkalnya lengang. pucuk pangkalnya kita endahkan. tiada 5 waktu dalam sehari. hanya terbit fajar terbenamnya matahari kita turutkan. amalan yang tiada tiang yang kukuh untuk menampung. sia-sia. 

sungguh. aku sedar. aku bukan seorang yang warak. yang kuat agamanya untuk berbual seperti ini. tapi sekadar luahan hati. aku sedar. hari-hari aku sebagai seorang bernama Islam juga ada jatuh bangunnya. ada pasang surut. kadang-kadang aku juga lalai. kadang-kadang aku ikutkan perasaan hasutan dari makhluk bertanduk dua berekor tajam itu. namun, aku masih ada akal. masih ada jiwa ranum seorang Islam yang memberontak ingin tersenarai dalam golongan makhluk Allah yang kukuh perkasa tiang nya. perlahan-lahan aku cekal, kentalkan hati untuk berdiri dan baiki tembok yang semakin lama semakin lopong ditelan masa. 

Alhamdulillah. Allah masih sayang hambaNya ini. doa agar ditunjukkan jalan yang benar, pertolongan untuk bertaqwa terhadapnya disambut dengan indah. syukur. doa agar hari-hari mendatang tiang yang dibina semakin kukuh. juga doa untuk rakan-rakan aku turut selitkan. berharap agar rakan juga bersama beramal. amin. 

05 August 2011


senangnya diajak berhibur,
sukarnya diajak beramal.

aku kecewa. 

31 July 2011

Ramadhan Kareem

welcoming Ramadhan month. as the fasting of Ramadan begins, i begging for your apology. forgive all my faults. hopefully we will be a better person during and after Ramadhan. to all Muslims around the world, have a great fasting month

“Life is a journey, a journey that takes us down to many roads”

25 July 2011

yeah. i know. heh


